New Dior Rosy Glow Blush in Bronzed Glow

This is less of a review and more of a showcase for one of the three newest blush shades added to Dior’s Rosy Glow line. The color Rosewood shot to the top of my blush favorites and is the only one of the three I brought with me to Germany. The original Coral was too light for my taste, whereas Mahogany was too deep. This new Bronzed Glow shade is a lighter version of Mahogany and includes visible shimmer in the pan that not only makes this formula easier to pick up with a brush than the others, but also adds a subtle glow. The previously released shades were not flat matte, but didn’t have any shimmer that I could see. I would call Bronzed Glow the first actual satin blush. My review for the original Coral, plus Rosewood and Mahogany can be found HERE.

I didn’t pick up the new Coral shade because it doesn’t look, in my estimation, different enough from Cherry (which depending on one’s skintone, is like a deeper Rosewood). So, I stuck to buying Bronzed Glow from Dior’s website and it shipped to Germany from France. Bronzed Glow is a beautiful nude-brown red. Rosewood is still my favorite, but I’m thrilled to have this second shade. Also, this formula doesn’t swatch well, but looks beautiful on the face.

I know some people had issues with patchiness from the previous releases, but I think the added shimmer will help with that for more skin types. I personally find that as my skin is drier here than it was in Florida, the longevity of this shade is slightly shorter because there isn’t as much moisture to grip to even with liquid makeup and skincare on my face. However, it lasts long enough for me to be happy with it. I also commend Dior for finally being inclusive with this range. For once it was actually the tan and medium-dark range with less options since Berry and Mahogany came first. Now, there’s something for everyone.

That’s all for today. Thank you for reading!


One thought on “New Dior Rosy Glow Blush in Bronzed Glow

  1. I know you mentioned it, but these blushes really do look much better applied than in a swatch. I passed on them after swatching them a few times in store, but I may have to reconsider during the fall sale.

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